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Peaceful? Calm? Innocent?


Friday, July 20, 2007

Dear Morons,
it's been slightly more than half a year since our faithful moron Huiting last updated this blog. Why, I asked myself, why doesn't anyone update? As the months passed, my heart crumbled to dust, seeing the level of negligence all of you could sink to.
So, if you're either one of the Queen Morons (who abandoned this blog) or Naomi (who it shall be fun to kill), I shall be sending Huiling to your house to kill you shortly. In fact, she's probably behind you right now, holding her beloved saw.

All right, enough crap.


CHUA HUI LING And SEOW HUI TING Become Queen Morons.

I am pleased to announce that Chua Hui Ling and Seow Hui Ting have been made members of the League of Queen Morons. I feel this promotion has been long overdue, yet have been too lazy to bother to inform them, as of yet. But hell, if ZHANG can be a moron, our dear mass murderer and hyena can be Queens too.
So, I am pleased to inform you that Hui Ling is now Queen of Pain, while Hui Ting is Queen of Laughter.
This brings the total number of Queen Morons to 13, a highly auspicious number.



Has ESTHER TAY Turned Over A New Leaf?

As of today, Esther has successfully dumped her 8th boyfriend, bringing an end to her obsessive dumping spree which has taken place over the past week.
After drawing a lot of criticism when the public got to know that she was dating 15 guys at the same time (all, miraculously, from the same class at ACS Barker- which isn't very surprising given how dumb some of them can be), Esther decided to give up her life of promiscuity.
"It was initially heartwrenching," she drawls, reclining on a sofa in her living room. "But I finally singled out the guys I wanted to dump. First, I dumped three guys cuz I didn't even know their names. Then, I ranked the remaining 12 according to their degree of hotness, and dumped the last 5 on the list."
Esther now has a much more emotionally fulfilling life, with only 7 boyfriends, a tremendous improvement from the previous records of her love life.
"It's like, one for every day of the week...you know?" she asks, snapping her fingers for emphasis. I haven't dated this few guys since I was like... 5."
Keep up the good work, Esther!


SARAH CHUA Taken To Woodbridge

When yours truly went to visit Sarah Chua at Woodbridge, she was in a hysterical state.
"I JUST DON'T WANT TO BLUSH ANYMORE!!" she screeched, grabbing my shirt. "IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR? HUH? HUH?"
Extricating myself from her grasp, I consoled her as much as I could.
You see, during a chemistry lesson a few days ago, Sarah- known as a "dear, dear child" to her Chem teachers, and a "horrible girl who calls me a cow" to her lit teachers- went into a maniacal state and poured copper sulphate all over her classmates' heads.
"If my face can't stop being red, atleast I can make your faces blue!" she reportedly yelled, while carrying out the heinous crime.
She threw her chemistry teacher out of the window, then began booking everyone in sight.
Sarah's condition has been improving rapidly though, since the staff at Woodbridge decided to shut her up in a room full of Red Indians (Native Americans) for 20 hours a day.

That's all for now,
Queen Rivali

8:11 PM

Saturday, September 23, 2006

HELLO(: Huiting here again... hahaha...

Just read an email that Rivali sent on AUGUST 11... hahaha... I'm slow... yes.

Money is not everything.
There's MasterCard & Visa card.
One should love animals.
They are so tasty.
Save water.
Shower with your boyfriend.
Love thy neighbour.
But don't get caught.
Behind every successful man, there is a woman.
And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.
Every man should marry.
After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.
Wise? Never marry.
And when they marry they become? Otherwise.
Success is a relative term.
It brings so many relatives.
Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.
Love is photogenic.
It needs darkness to develop.
A good discussion is like a miniskirt.
Short enough to pertain interest and long enough to cover the subject.
Children in backseats cause accidents.
Accidents in backseats cause children.
Your future depends on your dreams.
So go to sleep.
There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.
So what? Who's in a hurry?
"Work fascinates me." I can look at it for hours.
God made relatives.
Thank God we can choose our friends.
When two's company,
three's the result!
A dress is like a barbed fence.
It protects the premises without restricting the view.
The more you study, the more you know.
The more you know,the more you forget.
The more you forget, the less you know.
So... why study?!?!?!

6:41 PM

Saturday, June 17, 2006


=..= <-- 2 nostrils!

=.= <-- 1 nose!

by huiting...

4:15 PM

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

hi. I was looking for century gothic but they dont hav. anyway, Trebuchet's fine.

oh this is shuwei here. haha.

i am very sian now. so i will tell u ppl a story--real one. u all can ask esther for the full version.

one day, i saw a birdnest in one of my trees in my garden. there were two baby birds. featherless. they were sticking their head out (cos they wanted food i think), looking very ugly.

so a few days later. my maid and my bro told me that they found the 2 baby birds on the plant pot. so we guess that the mummy bird was teaching them how to fly and they cldnt. so they drop. yea. so 2 baby birds have got no nest? what are they gonna do?

i'll tell u all next time. dinnertime.

bye;) yucks, its fish soup tonight. all fishes sink.

Shu wei =)

7:11 PM

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Hey guyz... you know i just posted some stuff on my blog, http://queenrivali.blogspot.com , and i thought it would be nice if i posted the same thing in our moron blog cuz it shows how moronic we are. Btw, if any of u guyz have other funny exchanges to share, pls edit this post and add in the stuff!
If ur name is Xing Yi (Sotong) and you have forgotten the password and username, sms me. (:

Mrs. Ng: Now, just because ALL of you are bimbos doesn't mean that I don't have a responsibilty to teach all of you and-
Esther: Shut up.
Mrs. Ng: Its not about shutting up its about...yadayadayada...

Mrs. Ng:Passive learning! Do you know MGS is known as a finishing school???? And I know wat you all call me! You know wat that class said? " Mrs. Ng, 2e calls you Ah Meng."
Rivali: Mwahahaha...
Mrs. Ng: Its not funny you know!!
Rivali: (muttering) It is.. I made the name up.

Mr. Low: Why did you throw the cockroach at me?
Rivali: I didn't! It was wriggling and I got scared and-
Mr. Low: You are disrupting the class.
Rivali: No I'm not! I swear its-
Mr. Low: You are disrupting the class.
Rivali: No ... really. I-
Mr. Low: You are disrupting the class.
Rivali: No, I did not.
Mr. Low: I say you did!
Rivali: Fine......

Btw, I'm really sorry for throwing the cockroach and i truly regret my actions

Mr. Low: It is very interesting...The Story about Sir GAAwain...
Sarah: I thought is was Sir Gawain, Mr. Low.
Amrit: Did Sir GAAwain die in the end?

Mrs. Chan: So, class, how does this picture make you feel? Warm? Happy?
Amrit: It makes me feel like GARBAGE

Mrs. Ng: And I really feel that this class is seriously lacking in many areas which are essential t0-
Esther:F u.

Rivali: So the British were like, Male Chauvinists?
Mr. Low: You girls are becoming like 20....
2e: You mean like Tiffany??
Mr. Low: No. But I want to answer that male chauvinist question. Now, I am aware that i am heavily outnumbered. But nevertheless......

2e: Can we ask you a question?
Ms. Cheah: Only if its related to chemistry.
Xiao Hui: Okay...Is there any CHEMISTRY between YOU and Mr. ONG??
Ms. Cheah: WHAAAAAT???
2e: MwahahaHAHAHA

Mrs. Low(Physics): Convection in a radiator is very important. Because the radiator gets very hot because there is alot of rubbing going on.
2e: erm..... *coughcough* what the hell??

During the "Monkey's Paw" skit we did last year, 2005....
1d: Go esther!
Morons: Go Esteeboo!
Sarah: Imagine Jonathan's behind yoU!!!
Morons: Lusty lickable boo!
Mrs. Thomsett: What the??
Esther: Shut up.

Later on...

1d: Go Bat! (Batrishya)
Rivali:Go Batsmishy!
Esther: Shut up.
1d: You can do it Bat!
Sarah: Go Bat!
Mrs. Thomsett: Girls, I've told you so many times! Why are you telling Bat to go? WHERE are you telling her to go?
Amrit: Away.
Rivali: From you.


2:45 PM

Friday, June 09, 2006

things morons will do during e hols..

rivali: kill pple, prank call and hi-jack planes
amrit: study and bring despair and darkness to eevrywhere she goes
salad: read manga, watch bleach and all jap anime
zhang: go smwimmin everyday
esty: go out wif cute guys all day and sunbathe on e beach
shu: wait for harry potter to appear
nicole: wait for beckham to return her ass back to her
xiao: play with imaginary rabbits in rabitland
daphy: terrorize pple wif her cute but deadly smile
hui ting: LAUGH

3:58 PM

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hey guys!!! this is Rivali and i just started a blog for the 11 Queen Morons last nite, under esty's *wise* guidance. The Queen Morons are--

Fire: Sarah (Salad, Sally, Urahara, Bleach Freak, Dong Dong Durian)
Water: Nicole (Nic, Hiccup, Niccup, Nic-wig)
Light: Daphne (Daffee, Daffa-dee-doodles, Doodles, Daffy Duck)
Darkness: Amrit (AmREE, Ritz, Am REE-TE, Amz, Available Apricot)
Earth: Amanda (Mandy, AMUNda, Mandy-moof)
Air: Xing Yi (SOTONG, Huang Bi Ren, Susan)
Life: Xiao Hui (Fungi, Mushy, Mushy freak, Smiley)
Desire: Esther (Boo, Esty, Estyboo, Estya**, Lusty Lickable Lemon, Estymoo, Estybum)
Emotions: Shu Wei (Mrs. Radcliffe, Shu, Shu Potter, Monotone, EgoShu)
Goodness: Zhang Hui (Kelly, Responsible Rambutan, Zhanga-nanga)
All: Rivali
(Mean Mango, Riv, Risama, Terrorist, Murderer)

This blog would not have been created without the tireless patience put in by Fungi, 2e's imaginary pet.

If you are reading this and you're name is Hui Ting, you a laughing right now.
If you're name is Esther, wait- Esther doesn't read blogs, she reads guyz....

(thats the moron farewell greeting)

6:15 PM

Queen of All: Rivali
Queen of Fire: Sarah
Queen of Water: Nicole
Queen of Light: Daphne
Queen of Darkness: Amrit
Queen of Earth: Amanda
Queen of Air: Xing Yi
Queen of Life: Xiao Hui
Queen of Desire: Esther
Queen of Emotions: Shu Wei
Queen of Goodness: Zhang Hui
Queen of Laughter: Hui Ting
Queen of Pain: Hui Ling

+ many other morons :D